What is Home Staging and How Does it Work?

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Home Staging is a term that 10 years ago would have proposed a lot of questions. Nowadays, whether you have previously listed your home, have your home currently listed, or are in the market for something new, I am sure you are familiar with the term Home Staging.

A home will most likely be the biggest investment you make in your life, qualifying it to be the one investment you put the most time and effort into. When you’re thinking of marketing your home to potential buyers you want it to stand out amongst the crowd. Our job as Home Stagers is to make sure you get the most return on your investment. A quicker sale in turn means less money out of your pocket. Curious to see how Home Staging works and just how drastically it could help you in the sale of YOUR home? Keep reading, it’s about to get interesting 😉


Here at Centre Staged we love answering your calls, emails, web leads, etc! We take pride in getting back to you as soon as we can and chatting with you about our process and how we can help. We will walk you through it and find a time to book in your first consultation. CALL US NOW. 


One of our qualified Home Stagers will come knocking with a friendly face excited to get your home market ready! Our consultations are up to 2 hours and include an entire folder (yours to keep by the way!) with everything you need! We will go room by room with all of our suggestions for decluttering, space planning, removal, additions, repair work, updates, etc. ALL of which we write down and go through with you. In all of our consultations we like to think we spend your money like its our own; we give you suggestions that will give you the highest return and carefully select where we recommend investing.

Another perk of working with Centre Staged? We give you an entire list of highly recommended local companies to work with! Everything from painters, plumbers, electricians and a mortgage broker! We have you set; we give you every tool you need to knock this sale out of the park.

Check out our consultation video HERE


Included in all of our consultations is a free staging estimate! Whether you need just a few finishing touches here and there, or a full scale staging job done, we’re here to help. All of our packages are completely customizable and suited to meet many budgets and requirements.

Do you have a vacant home? We can skip the consultation and provide you with a free estimate!

All of our estimates are itemized and listed by room. This means it’s easy for you to read and follow along! Not to mention, they are customizable and we can build them to suit your budget.


This is where it gets fun! Our 2000 sq.ft warehouse is FULL of furniture, artwork, accessories, bedding, you name it! We have everything it takes to get your home market ready.

We take careful thought into every home we stage. We plan the entire project out room by room and lay everything out on our prep tables to make sure our design scheme fits the home perfectly. As designers and decorators by trade, we pride ourselves in creating unique schemes for each and every house. 


After the design is created, we are ready for staging day! When cleaning and preparation is completed, we are one of the last steps. We always recommend scheduling us in right before photographers so the home is in perfect condition for photos!

One misconception with clients who are new to staging is how long staging actually takes. Many of our clients are shocked to find out we can be in and out in a morning. Efficiency is key; this is why we prepare so much ahead of time. With that being said, are you worried about missing work for staging day? No worries. We can arrange to stage while you’re at work and we will make sure everything is ready and locked up. We are all about making your listing process convenient 🙂

Check out more portfolio photos HERE.


This is music to our ears; a happy client and a quick sale!

Our goal at Centre Staged is always to provide our clients with high end service and genuine care. For our clients, we truly care and want to make your selling experience as positive as possible.

Do you want to see our warehouse or set up a time to chat about what we can do for you? CLICK HERE. We’d love to hear from you!

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to see our work and see what we’re up to!

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