STAGING 101: The Centre Staged Process

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STAGING 101: The Centre Staged Process 

Happy Friday Everyone! I don’t know about you, but I’m really enjoying the sun over here! As of lately, I am becoming all too familiar with rain…. unfortunately!!  I think we are more than deserving of a summer full of sunshine! If I never saw rain again until September I’d be one happy lady.

Looking back, May is always without a doubt, our busiest month over here at Centre Staged! With warmer weather brings excited homeowners ready to sell their home, renovate and get their feet wet in the hot real estate market. With that being said, we are frequently getting calls and questions about how staging works, and why it’s beneficial when selling a home. I thought I’d jump on here and walk you through our process and give you some insight on why working with us will help you get top dollar for your home!

The initial step in any project is always the discovery connection. This is when the homeowner, realtor or interested party chats with us to let us know what they are looking for, and how we can help them.

The first answer we look for is whether the home is vacant or occupied. With vacant homes, we offer complimentary estimates. This is a chance for us to come out and meet you, get a sense of the space and prepare for your upcoming project. With occupied homes, we start with a consultation report.

Keep reading to find out how the entire process works!

STEP ONE: Home Staging Consultation Report

We meet you at the home and complete a full 1-2 hour walkthrough. No need to make notes, we’ve got you covered! We will write everything down and provide you with a report when all is said and done. Suggestions on furniture placement, removal, repairs, you name it, we will make sure you have what it takes to sell your home and appeal to buyers!

STEP TWO: Furniture and Décor Suggestions and Connections to Reliable Trades

Following the consultation, we will mention any recommendations we have for added furniture and accessories. Whether it be a few accessories here and there, or a full house stage, we have a 2000 sq.ft warehouse ready to help you!

Often times, there are repairs or general updating to be done to get your home market ready. Finding reliable people to help you can sometimes be hard, but no need to worry, we will make sure you are equipped with our 5 Star Lists of Trades!

STEP THREE: Free Estimates on Staging Packages

Our estimates are easy to read, and give you all the details you need. We will provide you with an itemized list of all the recommended staging pieces and give you an estimate for one month’s rental. Many ask, why one month, why not bi-weekly rentals? In our expertise, from the time we stage to the final sold firm deal, it’s a few weeks to have confirmation. The last thing we want is the potential buyers coming back to the home for a final walkthrough and it looking different than what they remember. We make sure to WOW them every step of the way.

STEP FOUR: Showcase a Well Designed Space Plan

Staging day!! This is our very favourite part of the process. Our team will arrive ready to transform your home into a buyers dream. We use our expertise and design experience to make sure the style of décor and furniture matches the character of your home, and the demographic of buyers. Our team typically takes a morning or an afternoon to prepare your home, and then you are ready for same day photography!

STEP FIVE: Faster Selling 

SOLD SOLD SOLD! This is the word on most sellers mind. The good news for you is that home staging equals faster selling times, less stress and an average of 390% return on investment. Now that’s one heck of a stat!

Check out some photos below of recent projects we have worked on in the area that produced fantastic results!!




I hope that this blog helped you to understand how our process works! Myself, and our team absolutely love what we do, which makes our job that much better. With passion and skill combined, we are destined to give you the results you want.

If you are interested in our services, and wondering how we can help, come on into our office for some fresh coffee, a bright smile, and I am sure knowing myself, a few laughs along the way!

I hope you all have a great weekend , and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Re-Designer and Home Stager

Listings above by Kristin Ghent @ Ghent Homes. 


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