6: Let there be light! Bring in that natural light into your small bathroom with large windows. I love a powder room full of light, so if increasing your window size is out of the [...]
Turning Daydreams into Reality: What’s the one thing in a home that you’ve never had but always wanted? A huge kitchen? Home Theatre? Acreage? A pool? All of the above? If you’re anything like [...]
Defining Your Interior Design Style Ah, a fresh start! Whether you’re updating your current space, moving into a new one or building your dream home, your blank design canvas awaits! So [...]
Project Young Street How is it already the end of August ?? I don’t know about you, but I feel like my summer absolutely flew by. There’s definitely a hard balance between trying to pack your [...]
Las Vegas RESACON 2019! Hey Everyone, I hope you had a great and restful weekend. Jenny and I just came back from the most incredible time in Las Vegas at RESACON 2019! You know what they say [...]
STAGING 101: The Centre Staged Process Happy Friday Everyone! I don’t know about you, but I’m really enjoying the sun over here! As of lately, I am becoming all too familiar with [...]
Hi Everyone, long time no see! We apologize for the silence over the past few months! Ever since our last blog post (EEEEK, I think it was 6 months ago…) we have been so very busy and incredibly [...]
March 15 2018 If you’re anything like us, you already have a list of daily home-design pins on Pinterest and folded magazine pages that keep your inspiration levels high for decorating and [...]