Christmas Decor Wish List

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For this months blog we decided to bring you the perfect Christmas decor wish list for all of your unique style preferences! From country rustic, to sexy glam and charming eclectic- we’ve got you covered. Whether you use this guide as direction for wicked gift giving, or you use it for your very own home decor needs, it’s filled with goodies we just know you’ll love. Here’s what you need to make this holiday season the prettiest one yet!

With the celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday this year, came the popularity of adding a rustic spin to home decor. These items are perfect for adding a cozy touch to the home and appealing to those who dig the nostalgic, country vibe. With rich woods, greenery, and outdoor inspired elements, this list is perfect for you rustic lovers! SHOP NOW for all this Christmas decor!

For those of you who enjoy a little luxury and extra sparkle in your lives, these items are for you! Classy yet edgy, these items are sure to stand out and appeal to a more feminine sense of style. Seriously, what screams glam more than a plush faux fur throw or metallic celebration glasses? SHOP NOW for all this Christmas decor!

Calling you lovers of pattern, texture, shape and finish from ALL design eras, this eclectic list of must haves is sure to hit the spot. These items, all varying in style, are perfect for someone who enjoys the charming nature of an eclectic home. Really though, how cute is that pom pom stocking…. to die for! SHOP NOW for all this Christmas decor!

Honestly, there are so many ways to add your spin to the holidays now, it might be hard to choose what style works best for you! We hope these guides helped you narrow down what aesthetic you’re going for this season. If you need a little more help- remember that it doesn’t matter what your style is, choosing similar colours and textures is a sure way to maintain a clear aesthetic. But don’t be scared to add a pop of fun in your space- try using different scales, create vignettes- and when in doubt, give us a shout, and we’d be more than happy to whip your home into holiday shape. CONTACT US!

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Let us know what style you’re going for this year! Is it tried and true, or are you going to switch it up? Tag #centrestagedholidays so we can check out your styles babes!

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