Setting The Scene For A Great Nights Sleep

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“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything!”

How have you been sleeping lately?

I’m no health expert, but I do know that sleep is really important for our immune systems and so now more than ever, it’s vital that we get a great nights sleep!

The day-to-day events can certainly take their toll on our sleep patterns and if you’re anything like me, even losing 30 minutes of my solid 8 hours or having a broken nights sleep, really effects my productivity (and my mood! 😉 the next day.

Here are our 5 tried and tested recommendations to setting the scene for a peaceful night:

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Interior decorating master bedroom

1. The Mattress

Kingsdown Hallman from Sleep Country

I’ve lost count of the number of mattress brands we’ve tried over the years but thankfully we got there in the end and hit the jackpot with this one!

The Kingsdown Hallman mattress from Sleep Country is by far the best mattress I’ve ever slept on. I also love Sleep Country for their 100 day comfort exchange policy. Total peace of mind!


2. The Sheets

Interior decorating master bedroom

Cariloha Bamboo

Maybe it’s because we were on our honeymoon when we found this store, but I absolutely love these sheets! Bamboo sheets are amazing at keeping your body at the perfect temperature, they soften with each wash and you never have to iron them. Win, win!

They’re definitely an investment but weighing up the amount of wash cycles your sheets go through over time and how quickly cheaper sheets deteriorate, we decided to make the plunge and we’ve never gone back!



Interior decorating master bedroom

3. The Pillow

Polar Tropic pillow from Sleep Country

I discovered this pillow from a neck injury. For every down, there’s an up! My chiropractor recommended that I got a memory foam pillow for extra support but also said that they’re great for generally keeping our spines and posture in check! From the first day I slept on this pillow, my sleep improved




Interior decorating master bedroom

4. The Scent

Lavender essential oil

If you only take away one thing from these tips, let it be this one!

2-3 drops on each side of your pillow every night before sleep, a few deep inhales and you’ll instantly feel relaxed. Even when I think it’s not working, I still wake up feeling refreshed.




Interior decorating master bedroom

5. The Nightstand Accessories

Meditation Books

There are a few nightly rituals that I just can’t go to sleep without.

A quick meditation, journaling a few thoughts from the day or reading a page or two from a feel-good book. A little something to tell my brain, it’s time to stop!

Great book tip! Untamed by Glennon Doyle

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