Is outdoor home staging necessary when selling a home?

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Outdoor home staging

Short answer: Yes…

A bit longer answer: A buyer’s first impression is their lasting impression and their first opinions are formed at the curb. Outdoor home staging will give them a great first impression of your home and leave them intrigued to see more.


You could have the cleanest, most well-presented home on the street. However, if a potential buyer pulls up to view a home with an untidy front garden and entrance, they will instantly believe that the rest of home is also going to reflect this. Who knows, they may even just drive away without even stepping foot inside. I understand that just because you take a keen interest in the interior of your home, does not necessarily mean that your a keen gardener too!

Well don’t worry, you don’t have to be a landscaping expert or even call in the experts to make a big difference.

Here are a few simple ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ when staging your outdoor space…

Do feed and seed your lawn in advance of listing. Lay sod or sow seed where necessary (early spring & early fall) and feed often to keep it lush and green

Do repaint any surfaces that look tired, i.e. shutters, front doors, railings, etc.

Do add some interest! Subtle hints of colour in plant pots, door wreaths, furniture, etc., will be pleasing to the eye of any potential buyer


Don’t invest thousands of $$$ in creating your ideal oasis

Don’t leave children’s toys, gardening tools and other personal items outside

Don’t let your garden look chaotic. Ensure beds and pathways are free of weeds and trim shrubs where necessary


Home Staging is NOT a cost. It is an INVESTMENT!

Landscaping e.g. $564 cost | $1,777 price increase = 215% ROI

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