Bringing Life to a Brand New Home

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It’s definitely no secret that we absolutely love what we do! We especially love it when we get to prepare and stage eager home sellers properties for sale and then continue to work with them to bring life to their brand new home.

This is exactly what happened when we met Leanne and Mike after staging their south-end Guelph detached home (which sold in 12 days for $20k more than they thought they could achieve). In Leanne’s words, “we made her fall in love with her furniture again” after we staged and she really wanted help to carry the same feeling throughout their new home, with even more sparkle.

The ‘clean slate’ feeling of a newly built property is so refreshing, but at the same time can be quite daunting to some new owners. Leanne and Mike didn’t get the chance to walk through and view their new property fully occupied with furniture and get a sense of where their pieces would fit or even how the rooms could fully be used. Furniture placement and maximization of space are common problems we hear many new-build homeowners face, but this is an area where we can provide our expertise and love to help them solve!

In this instance, Leanne and Mike were most concerned with how to decorate and utilize the open-plan great room/kitchen/eating area and the dining room. They were up-sizing to a much bigger home and didn’t have the furniture to fill it but also wanted a fresh start to update some of their existing pieces.

So we got to work with them on an interior redesign plan!


Before redesign


After redesign

The Interior Redesign Plan

Every initial redesign consultation we work on consists of 3 main elements:



  • A furniture floor plan
  • A furniture and accessory sourcing guide and schedule
  • A Pinterest Board of images of the recommended pieces (Every Redesign client is given their own access to the Pinterest Board we create, so they can add pieces they find too)



Following the initial redesign consultation and discussion of ideas, putting the project into action can be carried out in 2 different ways.

  1. The home owner chooses to pass the reigns onto us completely and we source and project manage the entire redesign from start to finish.
  1. The home owner really wants to be involved every step of the way because they’re fairly sure they know what they want, but would just like some guidance from us to pull everything together at the end with accessories. (Where we go shopping together!)

Number 2 is the most popular choice for the majority of home owners we work with and we get great feedback from them as they learn so much along the way and feel like they went to ‘design school’ by the end.

This was also the option that Leanne and Mike chose.

They had great vision and just needed to be pointed in the right direction. They took our guidance and support extremely well, but also initiated new ideas of their own as they learned, which is always so gratifying to see. Educating home owners on the importance of nurturing your home for your future investment and also for your families lifestyle and spirit, is paramount to us.

P.S. The majority of the pieces for this redesign project were sourced locally in Guelph and Cambridge!

To find out more about our Interior Design Services, we invite you to visit our website HERE.






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