When you get to know your clients really well, it not only becomes easier to design a space for them, but it becomes easier to design a space that perfectly reflects them and exudes their [...]
It’s definitely no secret that we absolutely love what we do! We especially love it when we get to prepare and stage eager home sellers properties for sale and then continue to work with them to [...]
Purchasing a home is an emotional process for many people as there are often so many factors to consider. Location is usually number 1 but exterior/interior appeal and function are usually a [...]
The team at Centre Staged Inc. has had the pleasure of working with some amazing home sellers over the years to ease the stress of selling and to help them release the extra cash tied up in their [...]
INSTANTLY INCREASE CURB APPEAL WITH A NEW FRONT DOOR COLOUR Curb appeal is an essential tool in the selling and staging of your home. Choosing a new front door colour is an instant and [...]
Just like any renovations you make to a home, whether it be new windows or an updated kitchen or bathroom, you are making an investment in your property. Home owners across Guelph, Elora, [...]
Back in December we announced that we had been selected as a top 10 finalist for the RESA Rising Star Home Stager of the Year award and we are super excited to say that….WE WON!!! [...]
I’m often asked what paints colours I recommend to my clients when preparing their home for sale…well here they are! Benjamin Moore paints are by far the best product on the market [...]
1. A showcased property outshines the competition in every way Attracts the most potential buyers to the property, generating multiple qualified leads 2. Real Estate professionals will feel [...]
Do you think McDonald’s would sell as many hamburgers if they didn’t Photoshop their advertisements like this!
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Compare your home to these two burgers! Imagine the advertisement is a staged home, showcased at it’s best, and anything else will look as unattractive to buyers as the ‘actual’ [...]